----- Original Message -----
From: Virginia Division SCV Communication List
To: vacourier@scvva.org
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 11:59 AM
Subject: [VAcourier] Reinstating a Delinquent/Transferred Member

To: Camp Adjutants


Re: Reinstating a Delinquent Member



If a member wishes to reinstate, the cost is as follows:


GHQ - $30 (current year's dues) + $5 (reinstatement fee) for a total of $35

DIV   - $10 (current year's dues) + $5 (reinstatement fee) for a total of $15


Grand Total: $50   -  This will bring them to a "current" or "2008" status at both GHQ and DIV. This total should be sent directly to me, along with a note detailing whom the payment is for. Please send this to:


Virginia Division

P.O. Box  9043

Virginia Beach, VA 23450
If a member has been transferred to GHQ Camp 584 for non-payment of 2007 Division Dues, the cost is as follows:
DIV   - $10 (current year's dues) + $5 (reinstatement fee) for a total of $15
This total should be sent directly to me, along with a note detailing whom the payment is for. Please send this to the above address. I will handle the transfer back to your Camp. This will bring them to a 2008 Status in the Division, but they will still need to pay their National dues for 2008.



PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT for renewing members. Renewals must be sent to Treasurer Joe Wright using the current process.


Respectfully submitted,


Mike Rose

Adjutant, Virginia Division

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